End of year (2024) interest tax statements (1099 & 1098) will be mailed no later than January 31, 2025. Contact a personal banker or loan processor if you have additional questions.
During 2024, Luana Savings Bank donated 82 items including computers, laptops, and printers, to 8 local non-profit organizations. “We take our IT donations seriously” states Grant Langhus, Chief Information Security Officer. “Equipment is retired from a working environment then refurbished further with new parts, in the case of computers and laptops, in order for them to perform as if they were new again.” Total replacement value of equipment donated in 2024 exceeded $42,000.
Langhus continues to emphasize this is not only a good way to keep electronics out of our landfills, but it helps local organizations who don’t have it within their budget to accommodate this type of equipment. Among the eight recipients were schools, churches, first responders, and a library. Additional IT resources are donated to local schools to facilitate real-world educational opportunities for our students. Langhus emphases “We're very proud of our IT donation program and enjoy expanding its reach”.
Luana Savings Bank is continually looking for additional non-profit organizations to donate computer equipment to. To learn more, please Contact Us Regarding IT Donations.

